Gallery Goals: How to Start an Art Collection on a Budget

Gallery Goals: How to Start an Art Collection on a Budget

How to start an art collection on a budget: For when you fancy yourself an art collection, but the bottom of your wallet only has granola bar wrappers. During a childhood summer, my family and I ventured to the vibrant city of Chicago. The iconic Chicago Art Institute beckoned, and as we meandered through its vast halls, I became spellbound by the masterpieces around me. The intricate brushstrokes of Seurat's 'A Sunday on La Grande Jatte,' the dreamy hues of Monet's Water Lilies, and the striking form of Grant Wood's 'American Gothic.' I daydreamed about one day having such magnificent tales of art gracing my own living space. As I stepped into adulthood, this dream remained alive and kicking. However,…
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